Hello, my name is
Jimuel Medrano
I am a Software Engineer
I’m a digital product craftsman specializing in websites and mobile apps. Using my experience in development and quality assurance, I can create high-quality products. Currently, I’m focused on improving my skills while seeking for opportunities as a Web Developer.
01. About Me
Hello! My name is Jimuel, and I am a software engineer who enjoys creating apps and websites.
My web development journey began when I successfully converted a design from a PDF file into an actual HTML and CSS file back in 2015. It ignited my passion to create things that can be seen and accessed anywhere in the world. I tried exploring different technologies like mobile apps, software quality assurance, and game development, but I keep returning to my roots, which is web development.
My career journey started as a web developer in a fintech company. Then, I decided to move into software quality assurance field in an outsourcing company to improve my attention to detail skills. Now, I am aiming to settle down on the path of web development.
Here are a few technologies and tools that I’ve worked with:
02. Work Experience
With my contributions to the company being recognized, I was promoted to this new position with additional responsibilities. While retaining my previous tasks, I am now also responsible for onboarding new employees, improving research and development, load testing, API automated monitoring, and conducting both manual and automated testing on the same project.
Worked at this outsourcing company as a QA Automation Engineer, primarily focusing on the research and development of new automation scripts while performing manual tests as needed. As part of the development team that pioneered the use of WebdriverIO Automation in the company, I was assigned to lead a small team of QA Engineers and was involved in multiple projects. My contributions to the company during this period were recognized multiple times, and I was honored with various titles, including the Rising Star Award, Automation Virtuoso Award, and Employee of the Month Award.
Worked at this fintech company as a full-stack web developer, focusing on web apps related to bank transactions, processes, card issuance, and data management. I am part of the development team that builds and maintains the website and backend services used by our clients. Additionally, I've collaborated closely with cross-functional teams, including project managers, business analysts, the quality assurance team, and other developers.
03. Projects
OperrandsWeb app for monitoring your errands. It features daily, weekly, and monthly tracking to improve life management.
Mobile App
Ulap Weather AppMobile app for android and iOS featuring the weather report for locations within the Philippines
jimuelmedrano.comJimuel Renzo Medrano's portfolio website featuring his information, experience, projects, and contact.
04. Contact
Designed and built by Jimuel Renzo Medrano using Next.js and Tailwind CSS, deployed with Vercel.